V I S I O N's
Health Improvement Products

A complex of vitamins and minerals with herbal extracts. Manufactured by "Nutripharma Ltd." (Republic of Ireland) - a group of "ARKOPHARMA" (France) companies.  60 gelatine capsules per  400 mg.

Each capsule contains:
Chinese Angelica (Angelica sinensis [Oliv.] Diels)......31 mg
Hamamelis leaf (Humamelis virginiana L).................31 mg
Bear berry (Arctostaphylos uva-ursi [L.] Sprengel)......31 mg
Vitamin B1..............................................1.15 mg
Vitamin B2..............................................1.6 mg
Vitamin B5..............................................6 mg
Vitamin B6..............................................1.65 mg
Vitamin B9..............................................0.2 mg
Vitamin B12.............................................1 mcg
Vitamin D3..............................................200 IU
Vitamin H...............................................0.15 mg
Vitamin PP..............................................18 mg
Iron gluconate (corresponds to 7 mg of iron)............55 mg
Calcium phosphate (corresponds to 26 mg of calcium).....112.25 mg
Magnesium carbonate(corresponds to 26 mg of magnesium)..100 mg

NUTRIMAX+ supplements the daily intake of vitamins and minerals, strengthens the walls of blood vessels, exercises anti- inflammatory and diuretic effects. Its wide range of constituent nutrients are extremely necessary for cell reproduction and energy production.    

NUTRIMAX+ is not recommended during the following conditions: hypercalceamia (high level of blood calcium), diseases of the liver, pregnancy and lactation period, and in cases of high sensitivity to the components of NUTRIMAX+. Not recommended for children under 12 years.

One capsule of NUTRIMAX+ in the morning and in the evening with a glass of water, before meal.

Store at room temperature (less than 25oC) in a dry place. Keep away from children.

Period of Validity:
Three (3) years from the date of manufacture.

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