"Vision International People Group"

The VIP Marketing Plan is a rewarding system which gives distributors a chance to achieve financial success. It was planned for excellently rewarding distributors in order to make them interested in working with clients as much as possible, and also reveal their capacities in training their groups.

Under the VIP Marketing Plan, all efforts are generously rewarded. However, the amount of payments, of course, depend on how long a distributor has been co-operating with "Vision International People Group" - and how hardworking he/she is. The VIP marketing plan suits people who want to work part-time and earn additional income,  and also for those who would really like to become successful in life and gain high revenues.

The VIP Marketing Plan provides distributors with two opportunities for earning profits:

"Vision" distributors have a good chance to increase their income due to sales performed by distributors of their groups, besides the commissions on direct sales. In this case the amount of commissions can reach 56%.

"Vision" pays out 5% commissions on the amount of sales performed by distributors of the first and second levels, and 10% commissions on the amount of sales performed by distributors of the third, fourth and fifth levels.

A VIP Distributor: In case an active distributor has personally sponsored 5 (five) distributors of the first level of his group, he/she can also earn 10% commissions on the amount of personal sales of distributors of the sixth level.

on the amount of sales
5% 1st level
5% 2nd level
10% 3rd level
10% 4th level
10% 5th level
10% 6th level

This program is for rewarding distributors who successfully develop and support their groups. Under this special program, distributors can also earn up to 6% commissions of the amount of their groups' sales from the seventh level up to infinity.

VIP Qualifications:
A distributor gets the status of a "VIP Distributor" as soon as five active distributors of the first level have made an order in the current calendar month. 
A VIP Distributor 1k is a VIP Distributor who has sponsored from 2 to 4 VIP Distributors on the first level during one calendar month. A VIP Distributor 1k receives a bonus of 1% of the amount of the personal sales of his organization, starting from the seventh level and up to infinity. 
A VIP Distributor 2k is a VIP Distributor who sponsored from 5 VIP Distributors on the first level during two consecutive calendar months. The amount of bonus is 2% of the amount of the personal sales of his organization, starting from the seventh level and up to infinity.
A VIP Distributor 4k is a VIP Distributor who has from 6 to 9  VIP Distributors on the first level during 4 consecutive calendar months. The amount of bonus is 4% of the amount of the personal sales of his organization, starting from the seventh level and up to infinity.
A VIP Distributor 6k is a VIP Distributor who has 10 or more   VIP Distributors on the first level during 6 consecutive months. A VIP 6K Distributor's bonus is 6% of the amount of the personal sales of his organization, starting from the seventh level and up to infinity.
VIP BONUSES from each level are not summed up!
(k = karat)
2 - 4
VIP Distributors on the first level during 1 month 
VIP Distributors on the first level during 2 months
6 - 9
VIP Distributors on the first level during 4 months
VIP Distributors 
on the first level during 6 months
1% of the amount of sales starting from the 7th level
2% of the amount of sales starting from the 7th level
4% of the amount of sales starting from the 7th level
6% of the amount of sales starting from the 7th level
A distributor gets only the bonus corresponding to his qualification.

A VIP Distributor 2k gets only the bonus determined for this level and does not get a bonus determined for a lower level - VIP 1K.

VIP pins are given to the distributors who have achieved a certain qualification and have preserved it during one, two, four, or six consecutive calendar months, accordingly. The commissions are paid monthly.

Later on, starting from the VIP 4K level, distributors will be able to get additional bonuses. The company will establish special commissions "VIP Super Bonus", the amount of which will be increased every year. Detailed information concerning this issue will be published in the official publications  of "Vision International People Group".

To become a distributor of "Vision International People Group" one has to fill and sign a distributor's agreement and buy a Starter Kit which is an obligatory and effective means of starting serious activities as a VIP distributor. The Starter Kit contains the following necessary items:

The price of the Starter Kit is US$34.00, including shipping and handling to any country. Please complete this Order Form if you would like to order the Kit now, or contact your Sponsor if you have any questions.

Starting from the moment of purchasing the Starter Kit you can order products both for yourself and for distribution. You are not required to take on any additional obligations. Please note that in accordance with the  policies of "Vision International People Group", it is not recommended to buy a redundant amount of products.

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